7월, 2023의 게시물 표시

[Unreal Slash]

BP code -> c++ code  59. components in c++ CreateDefaultSubObject := similar to new (); 66. Binding Inputs 71. Adding Controller Input

[Unreal Shooter]

  Section 2: controller class, possesion. Similar to capsule component or springarm, controller class is invisible, but exists in the game, and has only rotation.

[Unreal] 3 main OOP principle. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism

 Encapsulation:= private, protected, public Polymorphism:=  Object* objPawn = new Pawn; objPawn->BeginPlay();// output := Pawn BeginPlay() called. can't access Name variable in Pawn class.

[Unreal] change model's pivot point


[이득우 언리얼의 이해]

 c++로 기반을 다져놓고 BP를 최소한으로 사용해서 확장 Section 1 Section 2