[Unreal Shooter] breaking down animation process

 22. Run animation

28. Shooting animation -
 shooting montage.
problem remains : montage anim takes whole body. So shooting while running makes anim tipped.

29. Blending shooting animations -
base poase : below the spine.
Blend pose 0 : above the spine.
base pose play ground locomotion, blend pose 0 plays fire animation

38,39. Movement Offset Yaw, Strafing Blendspace -
 Strafing (looking forward and running left, right).
Moving direction - Looking direction.
Created 'Running Blendspace'. using offsetYaw.
putted all the situations of normal running anims into one blendspace.

45. Aiming Pose (RMB Anim) -
Ground Locomotion takes overall and bottom part anims.
'cached weapon fire' taeks only upper body.
Blend another aiming upper body on the upper body part.
Problem : 'cached aming upper body' winning all the upper body anims.

46. Aiming state machine -

56. Jump Animation -

100. Reload Montage


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[AI Image]

[GameIdea] 2D

[토이강의] Blazor C# 으로 유튜브 동영상 나의 플레이리스트 만들기